The Traumedy Hour
Lauryn Petrie and Jonas Barnes Present: The Traumedy Hour 2 Comedians + A Guest + All The Things Society Tells Us Not To Talk About. Lauryn & Jonas talk to a guest every week about the trauma, pain, mental illness and vices that we all live with in our own way, every day. There are no holds barred as we peel back the band-aid and dig into the wounds of life. And with any luck, we can laugh at the pain and give someone a light at the end of the darkness.

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Episode 1: Jonas Barnes welcomes stand-up comedian, Cody Woods to The Traumedy Hour.Cody is an accomplished stand up performer who has travelled the country performing. We discuss his career, the affect of the pandemic on not only his way of life but his mental health and we dig into his past traumas with his upbringing and how they've affected his career and experiences/struggles with alcoholism.You can find Cody Woods online at or on Instagram @codyjwoods or YouTube @comediancodywoods